Online Gaming Addiction: Don’t be a Noob!

So whats this all about?

I was immediately conflicted even before writing this blog. My addiction and love for online games is shouting at me, “Stop! Let’s just fit in an hour of gaming before you start this”. I can’t seem to shake this feeling and know all I want to do is go downstairs, turn on my Xbox, and play Gears of War 3 in multiplayer mode. This is a problem a lot of people face these days. With amazing new technology and graphics, online games are becoming more and more popular. With the four major platforms: Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Nintendo (Wii); gamers have no problem choosing between a diverse set of games that can fit to anyone’s personality and interests.

So many options, why not play a little of everything?

Well I wonder why I am only hearing about this all right now. Didn’t people back in the 80’s or 90’s have game addiction problems? The answer is YES some people did but they were not nearly as bad as they are today due to online multiplayer features. With this new feature, gamers are free to play as much of their favourite game online as they want, and it lets them play with people all around the world. This keeping the game enjoyable and exciting until something newer comes out. It is easy to get bored with ‘story mode’ in a game once it is completed but the online feature keeps it unique and always changing.

Passionate Gamers VS Recreational Gamers

Now even though society has put a bad spin on new games these days, they’re not all that bad and can be harmless when used in moderation. If you decide to come home from school or work one day and play an hour of NHL 2012 to blow off some steam, then good for you. But if you decide to come back and play for 5 hours, forget to do that report that’s due tomorrow and yell at loved family members when you do not win, then there is a problem.

Game rage…its real

With addiction there comes intensity. Passionate gamers truly care about their performance and will be affected based on how they do. You may be wondering why I have so much insight about the habits of intense gamers. To be completely honest with you, I write based on personal experience. I went through a rough patch of gaming when I was in high school and engaged in these characteristics. It was a daily routine to yell/swear at the TV, throw down my controller, punch a pillow a couple of times and transfer my upset emotion to others. Thankfully I snapped out of that but some people never do.

The dangers that lay beneath!

With new releases like Diablo III, passionate gaming is at an all-time high. This game hasn’t even been out for a month yet and already has one reported death and a few others rumored to be caused by it. Scary to think games can kill now. Well, it’s not the games that are doing the killing; it’s the overuse of it.

These types of cases are usually due to self-neglect like exhaustion, dehydration, heart failure due to lack of nutrition, etc. Gamers like this seem to even forget their basic human needs and play to the point where they cannot anymore. Getting to the point of having a three day gaming binge is very unhealthy and clearly can be fatal. Just like with most pleasures, video gaming needs to be kept in moderation. I can’t stress this enough since there have been studies that have shown overuse of video games can be very bad for your health and well being.

I’ve always heard the old saying, “If you stare at the screen long enough you’ll wreck your eyes”. Well that can be true in cases of extreme constant overuse, just like it can cause feelings of depression and anxiety as well. Not only that, it will most likely change your eating, sleeping, work and daily habits; not always for the better. Just like with any addiction, its hard to snap out of the habit once you are in it. It’s best to keep away from hitting rock bottom so that you don’t have to force yourself out of gaming all together. I wont even get into the topic involved with violence in video games and how realism is only making us more desensitized to it all because this blog would become a whole lot longer and much more boring.

Don’t let it get to your head

Gambling is another topic all together. The innocence of online games is taken away when a serious problem like this is posed. Playing online poker games or any other form of gambling is fun in moderation but can become a huge issue once addiction sets in. I know from experience that I can get easily addicted to online Texas Hold’em.  Even though I only play free games on Facebook, not all people are ok with the fake money and need to give it a more real touch. You don’t want your gaming to wind you up in debt and wanting to continue on. Especially with online poker, games like this give players false hope and the idea that they MUST continue on or risk loosing out on a big win. With the comfort of your own home and your bank card right next to you, how much easier can it get?

But hey, at least were making friends

“Hey, you guys want to meet up online at 5 and play some Call of Duty?” Hearing this in schools, at the mall or even anywhere else is not uncommon these days. Most people think gaming is an anti-social tool used to segregate those who play it. Where in reality, gaming is one of the most social things you can do these days. Even though you think your little Timmy isn’t making any friends at school, you may have to just check his friends list online. Chances are if he is playing an online game he is communicating with many other people who have a shared interest. Timmy may not be getting the exercise he needs (unless he’s playing the Wii fit games) but he will have people he calls friends.

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